Why X-Rays Are Important for Orthodontic Treatment?

Whether at the dentist or orthodontist, taking care of your smile means looking beyond the surface with x-rays. At Delplanche Orthodontics, we rely on panoramic x-rays to see the whole picture—literally. You probably know why your dentist needs x-rays of your mouth, but do you know why x-rays are necessary for orthodontic treatment? Keep reading to find out!


Why Are X-Rays Used In Orthodontics?

X-rays are a big deal in orthodontics because they let your orthodontist see what’s happening beneath the surface of your teeth. This behind-the-scenes view is essential for spotting issues that are not visible just by looking in your mouth. 


Why X-Rays Are Important for Orthodontic Treatment?

The Panoramic X-Ray

A panorama is the kind of photo where you have to very steadily move the camera up/down or left/right to get the whole picture. Basically, it’s a wide shot of a landscape or subject. We take these kinds of photos at Delplanche Orthodontics, but not with a phone or DSLR camera. Instead, we’re using a 360 imaging machine to take panoramic x-rays of your head, which is pretty cool if you think about it!

A panoramic x-ray gives your orthodontist a complete view of your teeth, nerves, jaws, sinuses, and nasal area—all in one image. We’ll get into why this is super important in a minute, but for now, let’s focus on how we capture this wide shot.

First, you’ll need to bite down on a little plastic piece called a bite blocker, which helps keep your head and teeth in the right position. (Don’t worry; you’re not biting where others have bitten! We use disposable plastic covers to keep it sanitary.) Then, the machine gently rotates around your head to capture a panoramic view in just a few seconds! 

You’ve got to stay as still as possible during the imaging process. If you move or wiggle, the image could come out blurry, making it look like you have extra or overlapping teeth in places you don’t. A false image is not exactly the look we’re going for! We need a clear picture that accurately shows everything we need to see! 


Why X-Rays Are Important for Orthodontic Treatment?

How Does The Panoramic X-Ray Help Your Smile?

Why does all this matter, anyway? Why does Dr. Delplanche need to know what’s happening under the surface to make your teeth less crooked or correct an overbite?  Here’s why:

It Keeps Treatment Safe & Comfortable

Well, during orthodontic treatment, the health of your mouth is critical to the safety and pleasantness of your treatment. In a way, a panoramic x-ray is like a mini health check-up for your entire mouth and surrounding areas (but it’s not a replacement for your dentist). This inside look—pun intended—helps Dr. Delplanche spot any potential issues affecting your orthodontic treatment. For example, it can reveal a wisdom tooth or jaw complication that might require treatment or surgery before you can get braces, as well as other concerns. 

Identifying these problems early on means we can address them before they interfere with your treatment, whether you’re getting metal braces, clear braces, Invisalign, or another form of care.

We Can See What We’re Working With

During your first visit, the panoramic x-ray plays a crucial role in your initial evaluation. It helps Dr. Delplanche see impacted teeth, those pesky wisdom teeth that haven’t erupted yet, or other hidden hitches that could interfere with your treatment. And because the x-ray also shows the positioning of your teeth, jaws, sinuses, and nasal area, Dr. Delplanche can create a personalized treatment plan that addresses all your needs.

We Can Make Timely Adjustments To Your Treatment Plan

As you progress with your braces or Invisalign treatment, the panoramic x-ray helps monitor your progress. If you’re experiencing jaw pain or if there’s concern about tooth movement, an x-ray can reveal if everything is moving as planned or if adjustments need to be made. It’s like having a GPS that ensures you get where you need to go as efficiently and safely as possible.

We Can Double-Check Our Work With Post-Treatment Assessment

Once your treatment is complete, we use the panoramic x-ray to confirm that everything has perfectly settled into its new position. We don’t want to officially conclude active treatment and begin retainers if your body isn’t 100% on board with its new teeth and jaw layout. The x-ray lets us confirm that your teeth, jaws, and sinuses are all aligned properly and that no issues, like wisdom teeth, are lurking beneath the surface that could cause problems down the road.


Why X-Rays Are Important for Orthodontic Treatment?

Addressing Safety Concerns About X-Rays

Many have concerns about the safety of x-rays, including panoramic ones, and understandably so! The idea of radiation is scary, but we assure you that you have nothing to worry about at Delplanche Orthodontics. 

  • Panoramic x-rays use extremely low amounts of radiation.
  • We don’t require you to take one every time you come in for an appointment, so your exposure is limited to an as-needed basis.
  • The beam of dental x-rays can be adjusted to target solely the specific area we’re looking at, so the rest of your body isn’t in the line of “fire,” so to speak.


Why X-Rays Are Important for Orthodontic Treatment?

You Don’t Have To Compromise On Your Orthodontic Care.

At Delplanche Orthodontics, you can have it all! Here, you don’t have to choose between compassionate care, state-of-the-art technology, the latest treatments, or your budget. We’re committed to ensuring that every step of your orthodontic journey is thorough, safe, and tailored to your unique needs. Take the first step toward a perfect smile today with a free consultation at Delplanche Orthodontics in Beaverton or Lake Oswego, and let’s create a treatment plan that’s just right for you!