As the back-to-school season approaches, it’s time to get everything in order, including orthodontic care. Adjusting to braces or aligners while balancing school responsibilities can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. With a little preparation and some handy tips, your child can breeze through their days confidently. This back-to-school guide for orthodontic treatment from Delplanche Orthodontics offers practical advice to help your child manage their orthodontic needs while enjoying all their favorite activities, from playing sports to excelling in academics. Let’s make this school year a great one!
Back-to-School Prep
Before the school year kicks off, it’s vital to stock up on essential orthodontic supplies that will make your child’s orthodontic experience more comfortable and pleasant while they’re away from home. Below are some items that can make a huge difference in your child’s day. We provide many of these to new patients when they start treatment, and if your child needs more to prepare for the school year, we’d be happy to help you restock!
Braces Kit Essentials:
- Toothbrush & Toothpaste
- A Small Mirror
- Floss & Floss Threaders
- Orthodontic Wax
- Interdental Brushes
- Orthodontic Bands (if applicable)
- Over-The-Counter Painkiller (optional)
- Protective Case For Aligners/Retainers
- Reusable Water Bottle
Bonus: If your child just got their braces or clear aligners for the first time and is struggling to speak how they used to, tell them it’s okay! Over time, they’ll be sounding like themselves again. To speed this up before the first day of school, have them read aloud, sing or engage in more frequent conversation to get them used to their braces and aligners quicker.
Daily Care Tips for Students
Managing orthodontic care during the school day can be straightforward with the right routine. Here are some tips to ensure your child’s orthodontic appliances stay in top shape all day, every day:
- Oral Hygiene Routine: Encourage brushing and flossing twice a day. This will keep their breath fresh and their teeth and gums healthy so they can socialize, smile, and confidently present all their big projects.
- Pack a Braces-Friendly Lunch: Avoid sticky, hard, or chewy foods that can damage braces.
- Stay Hydrated: Drinking water throughout the day helps keep the mouth clean and wash away food particles. A hydrated mouth is also less likely to get dry mouth, which makes wearing braces or clear aligners uncomfortable. We don’t want to give them any reason not to wear their Invisalign trays or prioritize their treatment!
- Refresh After Lunch: Remind them that a quick stop to the bathroom after lunch will allow them to clean their braces with their braces care kit. No one wants souvenirs from lunch stuck in their smile all day! Teens with clear aligners might want to also take time after lunch to rinse their mouths with water before slipping their trays back in. Food residue left over on the teeth can discolor their transparent trays and make them more noticeable.
- No Chewing On Gum or Pencils: No matter how difficult the test is or how delicious that minty or fruity gum sounds, you shouldn’t put them anywhere near your braces. It might break them! Teens also shouldn’t remove their clear aligners to chew on gum or pencils. Remind them that they need to wear their Invisalign aligners for 22 hours per day, and removing them for things like this can add up quickly.
Following these daily care tips will help your child maintain their orthodontic appliances and help treatment progress smoothly while focusing on school activities and responsibilities.
We also suggest informing your child’s teachers about their orthodontic treatment. This helps them understand potential needs, like time for brushing after lunch, refilling their water bottle more frequently, or occasionally needing an over-the-counter pain medication during class.
Handling Discomfort & Emergencies
Let’s say your child just had a wire adjustment, transitioned to a new clear aligner, or just started orthodontic treatment. They will likely be a little uncomfortable or sore as their mouth adjusts. This can be treated by taking over-the-counter pain relievers (as directed), or using Orajel to numb the area. (If discomfort is caused by the brackets, wires, or aligners pinching or poking their cheeks, they can use orthodontic wax to cover the problem area.)
For bigger problems, like a broken bracket or wire, your child can still use pain relievers and Orajel to treat discomfort. Still, you should teach your child to take a few more steps in these situations.
- Assess The Area for further damage or issues.
- Use Orthodontic Wax to hold a loose bracket or severed wire in place until you can take a look.
- Talk To A Teacher if they are unsure how to handle the issue or feel it cannot wait until after school.
- Don’t Throw Away Dislodged Brackets that have come completely separated from the tooth and braces. They should hold on to them and bring them to Delplanche Orthodontics.
- Schedule A Comfort Visit With Us to repair broken appliances. These appointments are urgent, so we usually do them around lunchtime so that it doesn’t disrupt your schedule.
Invisalign Clear Aligners
Sometimes, rough spots on clear aligners can be quite painful, even though they’re small. You can still wear these aligners with the help of some orthodontic wax. However, you don’t have to suffer or use up all your orthodontic wax on textured aligners that pinch, poke, and create irritation. Instead, you can smooth out the rough spots using an emery board or nail file. We’ll give you one that’s safe to use when you start treatment.
On the other hand, distorted or significantly damaged aligners should not be worn to avoid injury and upsetting orthodontic progress. Teach your teen to use their best judgment, and when in doubt, don’t tough it out.
If you and your child find their aligners unwearable, call us ASAP for a replacement or further instruction. If it’s the weekend, tell your child to wear their previous aligner(s) until you reach us on Monday. Unless it just happens to be the day before they’re supposed to advance to a new tray, do not let them wear the next tray in the series! Advancing early is not always the best thing to do, and it’s always better to be safe than sorry.
Balancing School Activities & Orthodontic Care
Orthodontic treatment won’t stop your child from participating in their favorite school activities, including band, choir, and sports. Musicians and singers should be able to perform without any difficulties or removing their aligners. It might take some practice, but orthodontic care won’t decrease the quality of your music!
For athletes, wearing a mouthguard is essential to protect braces and teeth from impact and prevent injuries. When worn correctly, it can considerably reduce the severity of injury!
With the right care and precautions, your child can continue excelling in their activities without disruptions. Encourage them to communicate openly with coaches and music teachers about their orthodontic needs to ensure an enjoyable experience.
Prepare Your Child For A Happier, Healthier Future With Delplanche Orthodontics
Everyone deserves quality orthodontic care that doesn’t interfere with their education, hobbies, work, or lifestyle. With proper preparation and care, their return to school with aligners or braces can be seamless and stress-free. If you have any questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to contact our friendly team.
Ready to start orthodontic care for one or more of your children? Schedule a free consultation with us in Beaverton or Lake Oswego, Oregon, today! We’ll provide a comprehensive examination and discuss the next steps with you, free of charge and commitment-free.